Hidden Stressors: Learn What Is Silently Making You Sick
February 29, 2024

When I think about the changes I have made for my health even over the last 10 years, I realize that they were cumulative. What I mean is that some of the changes that I do naturally now and are no brainers were a very big deal for me to even consider. Like gluten for example. Ten years ago is when I took on the Whole30 Challenge and yes, I gave up gluten and I felt better, but I did not know why.

Hidden stressors- what if you could learn what is silently making you sick?
Finding the root of the problem is the beginning of true healing and ultimate thriving!

What if you could know with 100% certainty that a food like gluten was making you silently sick? Ok, what if it was something less controversial like romaine lettuce? As you ate it, silently you were increasing inflammation, wearing out your immune system, tearing at your gut
membrane and slowly causing other symptoms? Yup that is how it happens.
Perhaps you noticed that one day the back of your head is itchy, or you are feeling extra jumpy or can’t remember what you ate yesterday morning? These feelings could be nothing more than a sensitivity to a chemical you are eating, drinking or wearing, or foods that at this moment are not working for you.
Would you wait to know?
Would you excitedly invest and test so you can easily start feeling better with minimal change? That’s the question I often ask because the truth is, even though this is available right now, many people would just rather wait and see. Wait and see what? Wait until one of these tests shows a disease? I know it’s easier to not know and keep your life as is and take a pill to quell the symptoms. You know that these pills don’t cure you right?

When intuition is your friend
How can you see things that are hidden to you though? What you know, is that you have migraines, stomach bloat, constipation and gas, fatigue, and depression and think surely that can’t be from my food, right? I must have something seriously wrong with me. "I exercise, I do yoga, I eat all organic, I don’t get it" you say to yourself.
So, you go through the colonoscopy and endoscopy, and have a stomach sonogram and nothing is wrong. Your blood work shows you are perfectly normal, and your tests give you the A-ok. Where does that leave you now?
Well, that was me… was I crazy? (ok, yes for sure) I knew my body, there was something very off, and I could never get answers to help me. It was just menopause and my hormones. I have had a lifetime of these symptoms.
I was so tired of feeling tired
Feeling tired and having depression and insomnia was taking it's toll. As I progressed in my learning and became a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition and Gluten Free Practitioner, I learned new ways of becoming my own health detective.
One of my discoveries, was that I had a ton of sensitivities from the food I ate every day.
Second, I learned. I had leaky gut and I definitively had a wheat problem. Olive oil, and coconut oil were actually not working for me.
Third, I dug deeper and found H Pylori which was messing with my digestion, had low stomach acid and candida albicans. All because the hints of this test, correlated with other labs I took.
So what if the healthy food you are eating is actually irritating you silently?
Little did I know, some of these seemingly "healthy" choices were secretly sabotaging me. So, let me share a personal revelation that changed my life – the Oxford Biomedical MRT176 test.
This groundbreaking test unveiled hidden food and chemical sensitivities, turning my understanding of health upside down. Basically everything I was eating (all healthy, I might add) were on my “sensitivity list” at high levels. The number of foods and chemicals added up to 26! 26 things I ate every day were bothering me, silently. I have been on a quest for the last 10 years to finally feel amazing, and little did I know that this test was the very first test to start me on my way. High numbers of hidden sensitivities also indicate some level of dysbiosis in your gut (which is totally reversable btw).
Why would you want to wait until you do have something serious and not just shut it down now?

The Silent Saboteurs: Unveiling Hidden Stressors
Have you experienced chronic fatigue, mysterious rashes, bloating, constipation or
emotional rollercoasters? Your body might be silently reacting to your unique hidden
stressors. We are all unique and as I have said before one person’s food is another’s
🌱 From Hidden to Seen: A Revelation
The MRT176 test, is a game-changing tool in the hands of a skilled health consultant. It's one of the 5 foundational labs that I use for every client. My favorite moment is when the test results come back, and my client sees the list of what is bothering them.
Suddenly there are a million “a ha’s” happening!” Recently I had suggested ginger, and cayenne and cinnamon to a client to help them warm their limbs.
Well guess what?
Their test showed a reaction to capsaicin. That is an active component of chili pepper, it is a chemical irritant and neurotoxin for mammals. Without this test, I could have made them worse. And this is why conventional advice about what to eat, and drink does not guarantee health.

The Power of Personalized Nutrition: A 90-Day Transformation
reset for wellness
I get it - change can be daunting. But what if I told you that a simple 90-day experiment
could be the bridge from feeling average to feeling absolutely fantastic? If you have ever
done the Whole 30 then you know how amazing the reset is. And this time, this is totally a reset just for you.

🌟 A Vibrant Life Awaits: Testing is key
The MRT176 test categorizes foods into green, yellow, and red zones. Eliminate the yellows and reds for two weeks, eat all the wonderful foods that show green and your body says “I love you” then you slowly
reintroduce the foods one at a time.
By eliminating the foods that you know bother you, your immune system, and inflammation will calm down and you will notice within a week that you are already feeling better.
A lot of folks swear to me that they have no issues with gluten, only to discover hidden reactions affecting their energy, cognition, and even bone health.
Don't assume your healthy choices align with your body's needs. This test is your personalized compass, directing you toward foods that nourish you uniquely!
The Verdict: YOUR Health Revolution Awaits
So, are you ready to revolutionize your health journey? Don't just eat healthy; eat right
for YOU. As a health consultant and coach, I've witnessed the transformative power of
personalized nutrition through the MRT176 test. It’s not the only test but it’s an easy
place to start. It's not just about what you eat; it's about what YOUR body thrives on.
let's connect
Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to a vibrant, energized life. Invest in your well-being, embark on this journey, and watch as your health becomes a catalyst for achieving your life goals.
Visit www.nowleap.com to learn more about the MRT176 test
and take the reins on your wellness adventure!
I am here for you if you want to learn more.
Three ways to connect:
1. Schedule your clarity call!
2. Email me at roswenjoy@gmail.com
3. DM me on Instagram @wendyjoyrosen.
You can also grab this HANDY LIST of the chemicals in food and products that people have the most issues with. There hasn’t been a test that has come back with less than 3-4 on this list of hidden stressors.
Remember, your thriving life starts with a healthy you. I can’t even tell you how great it feels to have removed all these daily symptoms from my life. It is so empowering.

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