Jayne Castiglia
March 18, 2024

I met Jayne at Warren Tricomi a few years ago when I was looking for a new colorist post COVID. If you have ever had your hair colored then you know finding the right colorist is like finding gold!
Despite trying a number of people where I currently live, I could not find anyone that I truly loved. I admire people who are authentic, have passion, are dedicated to being their best, stay at the top of their game, and have practiced so many times that what they do looks easy. Like a great skater.
Color is anything but easy.
I wanted you to meet Jayne because despite working for this incredible salon, she is a true entrepreneur, does incredible work, and, she attracts clients like me to fly from everywhere. There is something soothing when you are around Jayne. You know you are in great hands, but, also the experience of those few hours is like being with an old friend. Jayne’s story is inspiring and no doubt whatever you are doing you will up your game after reading about her.
Jayne, when did you know you wanted to be a colorist?
I didn’t know right away that I wanted to be a colorist. I should have known at an early age
because I use to destroy my Barbie doll’s hair coloring their hair with markers, putting
makeup on them with markers and crayons. I remember cutting my dolls hair because I felt
like a better style suited them. I use to cut even my guy dolls hair because I liked the
shorter hair styles on them. I even tried to blow dry some of my doll’s hair to give them a
blowout look to find out the hard way that it was synthetic and you cannot blow dry it
without everything melting. Yes, I experimented a lot with my dolls hair as a child. However,
this was not enough for me to realize that I always should have been a colorist.
Was there a family member that influenced you?
I was always an artistic person and I believe I got that trait from my mother who was also
an artist. I went to art school and graduated from Pace University with a bachelor’s in fine
arts. I have always loved the esthetic of art and creating and even went the fashion design
route at one point because I loved to style and design, however I learned very quickly that I
did not like to sew. During my time at Pace, I interned at an advertising agency in their
design department and I loved the graphic design aspect of it and was offered a job upon
graduating. Life throws you some unexpected curve balls and at this time of graduating the
recession hit and people were getting let go and laid off of many business so I had to switch
my focus and I decided I wanted to work in a trade where no matter where I went in life it
was a trade that was always needed and that I could fully control. I have always done hair
but not professionally and it was something that I had always been extremely passionate
about but did not realize that it was something I could make a career out of. I took a huge
leap of faith and decided to go back to school, to Beauty school this time.
What makes you passionate and gets you motivated?
The endless amount of creativity there is out there. Life is forever changing, and I am
grateful and blessed to work in an industry that is inspired by the beauty around us.
What’s the most helpful resources that have helped you along the way?
The most helpful resources that have helped along the way have been really knowing where the industry started and how far it has come… knowing the classics but also learning the
new up and coming trends. Styles always cycle back around but always learning new
techniques is key. I never stay complacent. I am always looking and learning more.
I believe you never truly stop learning there is always something to learn not only
from the greats but also from the up and coming artists. In my industry we are
blessed to have tools such as Instagram at our fingertips. All the media platforms that we
have available to us showcase all the different kinds of styles and techniques and it is very
inspiring to see people’s work from even different countries all over the world.
What do you wish you knew before starting your career?
What I wish I knew before starting my career was that it was so successful and that it is a
passion. I do not regret having gone to college it has been a huge asset to me, however I
would have really loved to have just focused on my trade of passion from the start.
What have you learned from being in this field that people should know?
From being in this field I have come to learn that my background in art has excelled my skill
level immensely. My ability to formulate color and having already had such a strong
foundation in color theory really propelled me forward. Hair became my new canvas, but I
never gave up painting…now I am able to do it on hair and my eye is trained to see the
color melts and blends and which colors compliment the others best.
What is a common myth about your industry or previous role?
A common myth about my industry is that you cannot make a living. This is something that
I worried about starting out, but it is absolutely a myth and you can build such an
amazing life in this industry. You always get back what you put in and it shows. Hard
work always pays off and there is no easy route to take. It is SO worth it and I feel so
blessed. The best advice I have received is that if you choose a career path that you
love you will never work a day in your life.
What’s your favorite thing about what you do?
My favorite thing about what I do is the interaction I get to have on such a personal level
with my clients. I am truly blessed to have known the courageous individuals that have
crossed paths with me. Each one is very dear to me and has their own story to tell that I
welcome with open arms. They say it is not easy to do what I do because you get to know
people on a level that only a family member would know…sometimes even closer. The
impact that I have on the people I get to connect with and touch that sit in my chair is so
amazing. You never truly know the impact that you will have in someone’s life or what they
are even really going through on a daily basis but if anything I am able to make them look
and feel beautiful and feel their best by the time the leave my chair AND that is special
and something that I cherish and is the absolute best part about what I get to do
each and every day.
Who do you talk to when you feel stuck?
When I feel stuck I always turn to my mother she has always been my rock and my biggest
support system and inspiration. I am also blessed to have someone in my life that I have
known since the age of nine, my very best friend in this world, someone who I have now
known for over 25 years and has now been my boyfriend and still best friend for the last 5
What makes you motivated and passionate?
What makes me motivated and passionate is the new generation. Giving back is part of
the cycle of life. Passing on your knowledge helps you also grow from within. My
industry will always be around because people love to look and feel their best it is
therapeutic and feeds the soul.
What networking methods have worked for you?
The networking methods that have worked for me most definitely have been Instagram…I
do not use Facebook anymore. I like Instagram because it’s all about the photos and videos
and it is my biggest asset when a new client is looking to book with me. For me, Instagram
serves as a visual portfolio. It also allows us to stay connected and to share and reach out
as well as learn new things.
How do you define success in your field?
Success in my field is having a strong clientele base that is very loyal and that you continue
to build a solid relationship with through all the ups and downs this life throws at you. For
me success is having the ability to make a difference in another’s life… the money is
great, but it does not define success. Success is being passionate about what you do
success will follow if you are truly passionate, hardworking, and motivated.
What is the most crucial trait someone needs to possess in your role?
The most crucial trait someone needs to possess in my role would be the ability to listen.
Creativity is also key, but listening is the most important part because you have to
listen to what the client wants then to create. You cannot create without listening properly.
Consistency is also key. Most clients return to their colorists because they consistently
get an amazing result. I’ve had clients leave their colorists after 10 plus years because their
colorist stopped being consistent and instead got complacent. Never take a client for
granted. Our loyal clients of 10 plus years are just as important as the new clients we are
so eager to get.
What is something surprising you have learned about yourself?
I learned that I am able to overcome and withstand any obstacle. I have been
surprised by my perseverance through such a difficult time like Covid. Since my industry is
very hands on it was not easy to get through Covid. Fortunately, my clients all returned to
me in full force and it was so amazing to see and I will forever be grateful for them.
Jayne, thank you so much for sharing your inspiring journey!